Albert Einstein Biography Puppet Script

Albert Einstein


Hi!  I’m Albert Einstein.  I was born on March 14, 1879.  I liked using wires.  I loved electricity.  It is so cool.  I have a compass my dad gave me.  I love science.  I like playing music on the violin.

I had a little sister Maja.  When she was born, I wondered why she did not have wheels like my other toys.  When Maja was older, I liked going on walks with her.  

When we moved to Italy from Germany, I had to finish my work.  Then I got expelled.  I published a book about electricity and magnetism.

I moved to Switzerland and finished my work.  A few years later, I got a job at Swiss Patent Office.  I married Mileva and had a son.

I moved to Germany.  I became a popular professor.  I had a theory that light bends, but I needed proof.  I neede to have a picture of the solar eclipse.  I finally got a picture of the solar eclipse.  I set up two cameras one in South America and the other in West Africa.  My theory was correct.  Light did bend.

The Nazis hated me because I was a Jew and they hated Jews.  Hitler put a death warrant for me.

In 1933 Nazis broke into my house.  They used a bread knife to prove I was dangerous.  I had to move.

I moved to the United States.  I became a professor there.  My wife Elsa died.  My health was poor.  I played my violin for money to stop the Nazis.

I wrote a letter to the president of America to make an atomic bomb.  People blame me for makng the atomic bomb.

A doctor saw I was getting sick and gave me medicine.  I took the medicine and immediately got sick to the stomach.  Then the doctor snapped and said do you feel better now?

Mala died.  I was more alone than ever.  The next day I died with a note next to me.  It said, “Don’t use any more weapons.”  I left a note that said to donate my brain to science.  “Cremate my body and throw the ashes in a secret place.”  I lived from 1879 to 1955.



About Cherie Blessing

My name is Miss Blessing, and I would like to welcome you to our class blog! Teaching is the calling of my heart, and I hope to set an example of tenacious engagement in learning this year. Let the Great Adventure begin!

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